Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014


So hey,
Err yeah I'm gonna talking about my problem rnrn

Umm last night I cut my wrist,
I'll regret what I just did
But I depressed and dont know what will I do

So I searched for something and I found the razor
And yeah its leave scars

But in this scars leave stories too so I can explain about everything

But its hard to hide it from people around me

If they knew that, theyll tell me that I'm useless and loser
And that will make me more depressed than they think

Or they will say "Just stop cutting"
But they dont know how hard to stop it

Its like my drugs

I admit that I always acted like I have a good life,
But dont you know that I have a cruel life

Sometimes its hard to say "Everything is alright" when you want to cry, or when you feeling like life is hit you down.

People cant understand

And no one that I can trust

You Gonna Hate This Blog

Its actually not my secrets but... its kinda like pelampiasan atau tempat curhat gitu.
Emang urusan pribadi sih, tapi kalo mau baca ya silahkan umm

Its bored af


Lemme introduce myself, I'm Salsabila Zahra Aminullah
Call me Salsa, Zahra, SB or anything you want

You'll hate this blog
You will hate me tho bc everyone hates me and I hate myself